Meet Jake


S. Jacob “Jake” Witty

Jake is a native son of the South, having been born in Charleston, SC. At the age of four, Jake’s parents moved to Newnan to begin life in Georgia. The son of a Pilot and a Nurse who started from scratch and worked their way up, Jake was instilled with the values of hard work, and doing the work right. No person is better or worse than another because of money or status; we are what we make ourselves to be in the situation we are in.

Jake graduated with Honors from East Coweta High School in 2011, and then went on to earn a Bachelor’s in Philosophy from the University of West Georgia, in Carrollton, GA, in 2017. While attending UWG, Jake’s paternal grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and Jake got to watch the legal system in action as his parents fought for the ability to care for his grandmother. Jake became intimately familiar with the Georgia Probate courts through his parents’ fight, and a passion for this field was ignited. Jake saw firsthand how improper or unclear Estate Planning can cost the families of the loved-one tens of thousands of dollars. Jake was emboldened to make sure this never happened to the people around him again.

After graduating from UWG, Jake went on to attend Mercer Law School, in Macon, GA, and graduated in the class of 2020. At Mercer, Jake met his to-be wife Montana, and broadened his understanding of the legal system. Jake was a member of the Economics book-club for all three years, and made the Dean’s list while at Mercer. Jake also went above and beyond to get certified in Advanced Legal Writing and Research through Mercer’s prestigious ALW & R program. Jake never lost his passion for caring for those in need, and seeing people being treated right.

As 2020 began, and Covid-19 was on its initial rise, Jake finished his last semester of Law School virtually and began to prepare for the bar. Moving to the Savannah area with his then-fiance, Montana, Jake began work for Montana’s uncle: Lloyd D. Murray, Sr. as a provisional-practice attorney. After passing Georgia’s first virtual bar exam, Jake was sworn in to the practice of law in January of 2021.

Continuing to work for Lloyd, Jake covered all manner of cases, including but not limited to: Estate Planning, Probate, Divorce, Child Custody, Personal Injury, Contract Disputes, Trust Litigation, Criminal Defense, and more. While working under Lloyd, Jake made valuable connections locally and his knowledge of the practical and theoretical aspects of law increased greatly.

At the end of 2021, Jake and Montana were happily married, and Jake set off to find his own footing in the practice of law. Doing work for the Atlantic Judicial Circuit’s Public Defender’s office, Jake began working representing indigent Juveniles while laying the foundation for his solo-practice.

In April of 2022, Witlaw, LLC was founded, and Jake continues working with the Public Defender’s office, finding joy in helping the local youth; as well as taking his own clients.

When not on the job, Jake is a part-time blacksmith and avid table-top & video game player.